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Charles Cherney
64: Connected
In 2019, being online is the norm. Smart phone. Portable computer. Connected. Given that I am 52 years old, I have lived more of my life...

Charles Cherney
58: Apple Computer
Yesterday, I purchased a new Apple computer for myself for the first time in more than five years. I decided to go back to the MacBook...

Charles Cherney
57: The Internet
This morning after dropping my daughter off at school, I tuned in YouTube on my iPhone in my car to listen to a talk by Gary Vaynerchuk...

Charles Cherney
52: YouTube Premium
In the last few years, YouTube has become a part of my daily life. I subscribe to a few different channels - Gary Vaynerchuk and Tom...

Charles Cherney
47: BBC World Service
I grew up in the pre-internet era. From an early age, I took a liking to listening to the BBC on the radio. NPR stations could be counted...
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